In today's world, infertility has become a very common problem for most of the women. There are various reasons for this problem. It is not only the women's age which was the one of the main reason of infertility in olden days, nowadays there are various diseases associated with this problem. In modern medicine there are various treatment procedures available for this problem. But the percentage of success by the treatment is reasonably low. Even in many successful cases they go for the option of IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) which is the last option when all other assisted reproductive methods fail. These all procedures are maximal invasive. So when a woman undergoes all these process some also go to depression. There are a number of natural methods available which is non-invasive and gives 80% cure to this problem. Let us see the natural herbal remedies which will give you a good improvement.

Herbs help to combat infertility by normalizing the hormonal functions, strengthening and toning of uterus, improving the immunity and relaxing the nervous system. There are many herbs which are used for infertility, but here are some herbs which are very effective in most of the infertility cases. Let us see them one by one:

1. Shatavari: This is the best uterine tonic ever available. This is very helpful for women who have fertility problems due to low immunity or weakness in the uterus. It increases the WBC count, there by combating any infections. It regulates the estrogen in turn regulating the normal menstrual cycle of a women. It also normalizes the hormonal production. Fantasy capsule is a leading herbal supplement for female infertility with Shatavari as a key ingredient.

2. Ashwagandha: Recent researches have proven that Ashwagandha gives significant changes in gonodotrophin levels and increases the folliculogenesis. It is also used in the treatment of stress, depression and anxiety.

3. Angelica sinensis root: This is an ancient herb most popularly used in Chinese medicine. It is a wonderful blood tonic and acts as an aphrodisiac.

4. Jamun leaves: This is a traditional practice. Consuming the jamun leaves with honey is the best remedy for infertility.

5. Banyan root powder: This may sound strange but this is an effective method for female infertility cure. Take the roots of banyan tree, make a powder of it and have it with milk every day after your menstrual cycle for 6-10 months.

6. Aloe vera: This is a very common herb available everywhere is very beneficial for the female reproductive system.

7. Vitex agnus-castus (chaste berry): This is also a well known herb used for balancing the hormones in female reproductive system. This herb acts on the pituitary gland and increases the LH (Luteinizing Hormone) production and mildly inhibits the FSH (Follicle Stimulating Hormone) release. This also helps in the reduction of high prolactin levels. This would be very effective in cases of Amenorrhea and Luteal phase defects.

It is very important to take care of individual women's concerns when coming to the treatment part. A perfect diet, yoga along with these herbs will definitely give good improvement in her health. We should also be ready to wait for our body to respond to any treatments rather than jumping to each and every available method which would not result in any improvement but further weakening her physiology.

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