Japandi style is a Japanese design aesthetic that focuses on simplicity and natural materials. It has been around for centuries, but it's experiencing a resurgence today as people are looking for more authentic ways to live. This blog post will explore what makes Japandi style so appealing and how you can incorporate the principles into your own home.

What are the essential elements of Japandi style?


 The principles of Japandi style include simplicity, minimalism and restraint. This means that colors are toned down, patterns are kept to a minimum... You get the idea! One way you can incorporate this is by using one pattern for all your pillows so there aren't any jarring juxtapositions in color or design. That said, it's important not to go overboard with only ever choosing neutral shades - keep some variety in your spaces as well. 

If you are a fan of Japandi style, like simplicity and want to learn more about different interior styles, you may start from scratch and enroll in the Free course “Interior Design Fundamentals” organized by the leading online education institute: Interior Design Institute. They offer real-time online lectures that are easy to access, taught by professional instructors in the field. 

Natural Materials

Most pieces done in the Japandi style use natural materials like wood or paper instead of synthetic ones such as plastic or metal because they're more sustainable and have a lower environmental impact (no toxic chemicals). When shopping for furniture items, you should look for pieces that are made from reclaimed wood or have natural finishes.

Japandi Style and Your Home

Japandi style can be really versatile, which makes it a great aesthetic to use if your space is already traditionally decorated, but you're looking to update things! For example, you could swap out traditional upholstery for an organic cotton rug with geometric patterns, then surround the room with clean white furniture like Japandis did in this project on their blog. This would work especially well in spaces where guests will spend time such as living rooms because of how minimalistic Japandi style tends to be - no one likes being bombarded by too many colors at once!

Creating an Inviting Space for Guests

Japandi style is a great way to create an inviting space for guests because it's so easy on the eyes. When you have Japandi furniture in your living room, people will automatically be more inclined to stay and chat with you! 

Inspiration: One of my favorite Japandi designers is Vitaly Uncensored - they do loads of projects around the world and their Instagram feed includes everything from mood boards for designs to travel photos. If you want some ideas about how other Japanese design spaces look like or just need a little bit of inspiration, I recommend checking out their work!

In order to incorporate this style in your home, you need to understand the main principles of Japandi. 

What is Japandi style?

This ethereal design movement first started centuries ago during the Heian period (794–1185) but has seen a resurgence in modern times with Japandi style principles that focus on simplicity and natural materials. Japandi is a Japanese design aesthetic with its roots in Zen philosophy, which has become more popular now than ever before as people are looking for ways to simplify their lives by focusing on what's important.


  1. Simplicity through the use of less furniture, lighter colors and natural materials like bamboo or paper lanterns for lighting; Japandis will also incorporate looser clothing styles into the home environment
  2. Focusing on what's essential rather than excess - Japandis often have fewer possessions and choose not to clutter up their homes with unnecessary items.
  3. Finding balance through Japandi principles; Japs are mindful of the way they live their everyday lives and choose not to have too many responsibilities.
  4. Japandis like to focus on nature, so you may want to incorporate plants or flowers into your home environment. Choose natural materials from sustainable sources for decorating such as wood rather than plastic.
  5. Consider adopting a Japandi lifestyle in order to simplify your life with less clutter! 

You can also incorporate Japandi style principles into your own home by incorporating zen philosophy - choose furniture and accessories that bring you peace when you look at them with their simplicity and natural materials! If you find yourself feeling overwhelmed in the mornings before work, try placing some calming Japandi artwork on your wall to help clear your mind for those first few minutes of each morning. 

Simple art works, statuettes in white or earth colors, rugs and space arrangement make Japandi style a very appealing modern trend. 

Author's Bio: 

Sujit is a Digital markteter by profssion and bloggr by pasion. He likes to share the experience around the web. His blog is Blogsane.