Everyone wants to find the love of his or her life. People search high and low just to find the right partner. Sometimes, being in love is tricky. The person you love may not return your feelings. It is sometimes devastating to know that the person does not reciprocate your feelings. A lot of people may give up on finding their one true love. They often lose hope as the years go by. Don’t be discouraged and always keep your chin up. There are plenty of people out there that you may meet.

For those who are in relationships, there are a lot of struggles in keeping the love alive. It may be exciting and thrilling when starting out in a new relationship. Later on as you grow closer and familiar with each other, the spark may fade away. It may be because you’re too similar or you just don’t fit each other. Other people have a lot of issues when it comes to love and relationships, it’s as if they don’t trust themselves and they don’t trust what they feel.

If you feel that something is wrong with you (or with your partner) when it comes to relationships, then you might want to look into Relationship Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (ROCD) or Relationship OCD. It is thought to be one of the reasons why people sometimes find it hard to be in relationships. The person with ROCD finds fault in the relationship. They might sometimes think of thoughts like they don’t really love the person or they often focus on the negative aspects of the relationship.

People with Relationship OCD often think that their partner is not the right person for them. They would find faults and weaknesses in their partner. They often make excuses in why they are not meant for each other. These people have their “ideal” mate in mind. They have the perfect image of the person they want to spend the rest of their life with. If their partner deviates or has a quality different from their ideal version then the person is not right for them. They often end up alone as they would not want to have a relationship with someone that is not right for them.

Not Right for Me?

Even if the person with Relationship OCD feels that they really love their partner, they would still question if the person is right for them. They will ask themselves that question over and over. Most people suffering from Relationship OCD have no idea that they have it. It’s their partners who sense that there is something wrong with the person.

Asking for Help

You need to control your thoughts and accept that there is something wrong with you. Seeing your doctor or going to a psychologist is a must to manage your thoughts and feelings. Be honest about what you feel. You can also try psychotherapy where you can learn ways on how to deal with your disorder.

Have an open communication with your partner. You need to be open with what you’re feeling to your partner. You need to learn to trust your partner and don’t be shy in admitting your faults and weaknesses. Having an open mind as well as an open heart are keys to saving your relationship. You might want to try to work on yourself before you commit to a relationship.

Support groups can really help you cope with your problems. Look up local groups that may interest you. Try joining them as you can meet people who have Relationship OCD where you can learn from their experiences.

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