3 Reasons why you should choose the SmartyAds White Label solution


Programmatic advertising offers many benefits that are difficult to achieve with other advertising tools: accurate targeting, instant analytics, multi-channel and multi-format advertising. However, some business owners want more: more privacy, more control, and customization. That's why many companies are considering creating their own advertising platform.


However, creating your own platform is an extremely expensive process that can cost you tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars. Therefore, before making such a decision, you should think carefully about its economic feasibility. It may be sufficient for your business to restructure some advertising processes or to choose a more appropriate programmatic platform.


We will look at some problems that may affect the development of your business and trading. If you see a problem similar to yours, you will most likely need a White Label platform to overcome these issues and take your marketing to the next level.


Why are brands switching to in-house solutions?

A proprietary platform gives access to user data and also allows you to run larger-scale advertising campaigns. That is driving brands to move to in-house advertising platforms. In 2021, 50% of advertisers said they were using an in-house model. By 2022, fully in-house solutions were replacing hybrid platforms, but the relevance of in-house platforms didn't diminish significantly.


The main reason for refusing an in-house platform is said to be the problem of finding highly qualified specialists to create and configure such platforms. When you choose White Label, this problem disappears by itself, because the necessary specialists, training, and technical support are provided by the vendor company.


An in-house platform allows you to get better monetization of your inventory, greater transparency and control over your operations, and the ability to sell premium ad formats according to individual terms. This is particularly relevant for news portals in recent years, as many news stories are undesirable for the neighborhood of any advertising, but it is still necessary to monetize sites, otherwise, they will simply stop generating income.


Among other things, the proprietary platform allows you to integrate with other marketing systems, such as CRM or DMP. Their synchronization greatly simplifies the analytics for business and allows you to see a complete picture of what is happening. In-housing has been in trend for several years, as most companies strive for greater transparency, more accurate reporting, and control over media direction.


At the same time, in-house solutions require a huge investment of resources, both financial and human. It takes a long time to create a good working advertising platform, plus it requires additional resources to scale, and sometimes it causes the platform to go on hold. However, all of these problems can be solved when it comes to a White Label solution. The platform takes two weeks or less to set up and run, and scaling does not require a shutdown.


So, do you need a White Label platform?


It's important for you to control your own payment model/quality of service/positioning and other terms

In order to gain the freedom to control the terms of your advertising services, you need the White Label platform. It allows you to position your brand the way you want it to be positioned. While standard ad platforms are not flexible and may not offer the payment model their clients are used to, the WL platform gives you control, choice, and customization over all aspects of your ad buying and selling.


All in all, it turns out that White Label has all the advantages of platforms developed from scratch. Buying an already-branded solution imposes certain limitations on you. In addition to the cost, which should pay for the work of marketers and technicians, branded solutions have certain terms and conditions that their customers are used to. Changing these terms and conditions could be fraught with loss of contracts and customer churn.


Your own platform, on the other hand, is an extremely flexible model. You can make almost anything out of it in the context of media marketing. You can also set your own quality standards on your platform, and you can bring in industry experts to run campaigns on behalf of your clients, adding value to working with you and your platform. This added value will allow you to attract even more customers and increase the value of your brand in the marketplace.


You want to reduce costs

Commissions/margin/development costs are associated with creating an advertising platform from scratch or using a third-party advertising platform. Therefore, one of the main and most important benefits of White Label is that it significantly reduces development costs as well as all of the associated costs. In addition, with third-party platforms, the service supply chain is extremely intricate, and although advertisers can see how much they spent per impression, they can't know how much of that money went to the publisher and how much was deducted for using the platform or servers.


Each advertising platform owner sets its own rules, rates, and usage fees. Therefore, it can be extremely difficult to calculate the fee that it charges for services. If a brand buys a White Label ad exchange, it is responsible for administration and the rest of the internal operations, as well as managing the demand and supply partners.


Of course, it is possible to create a platform from scratch rather than using the template that White Label provides. However, then you would have to invest in other parts of building the


platform: the cost of hiring developers, maintaining servers, maintaining and setting up the platform itself, etc.


White Label not only gets you out of this problem but also allows you to get a guaranteed high-quality, working platform with constant technical support, hosted on the vendor's servers. With this type of approach, the platform is sure to be competitive and efficient in operation.


You want to have a network of reliable and exclusive partners

Advertising fraud has been one of the most important problems since the arrival of programmatic platforms. The cost of digital ad fraud in 2021 was estimated to be about $65 billion. This amount is comparable to Croatia's GDP.


The ever-increasing level of digital ad fraud is recognized as a major problem in this area. Fraud is also one of the main reasons why an advertiser might stop working with a publisher. Brands suffer huge losses when advertising budgets are wasted on simulated impressions, clicks, app installs, and other useful actions. The money paid for advertising ends up in the hands of fraudsters and brings absolutely no real benefit to the market.


The IAB has developed initiatives to help secure the ad inventory process: ads.txt, ads.cert, and app-ads.txt. These are standards designed to combat fraud in algorithmic ad placement. Publishers can specify trusted sellers of your inventory in it. Such files are publicly available. They can be scanned by exchanges, seller platforms, and other buyers and third-party vendors.


Certainly, these initiatives work. Moreover, the requirements for these files are regularly updated to meet the latest security standards. However, the supply chains in programmatic advertising are very complex and convoluted, so fraudsters still have loopholes to commit crimes.


So, if you want to keep your inventory 100% secure, White Label is definitely the right option for you. On your proprietary platform, you can create your own secure and reliable ecosystem of media ad providers and buyers, allowing you to easily track the flow of traffic as well as the way your budget is being spent. You'll be able to build a supply chain that meets your brand safety needs and guarantees a mutually beneficial relationship for all parties involved in the transaction.



Using programmatic advertising today is a necessity for any brand. And since it has to be used in any case, perhaps it makes sense to purchase an in-house solution that allows you to control all marketing processes in the digital space.


If while reading this article the problems described in it resonated with you, be sure — White Label solutions from SmartyAds are exactly what you need. It's a fairly simple and very effective way to get rid of many problems that cannot be solved using a third-party platform.

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Hi there, my name is Azahar. I am a Digital marketer, WordPress development, SEO expert, Social Media Manager, or virtual assistant, WordPress expert, Google AdSense, and specialist in various fields. I complete your work perfectly and you should trust me because I have a huge knowledge of the Digital Marketing sector and specialist in various fields. You should give me work and acknowledge the best work in quality. Thank you for reviewing my profile

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