If you aren't aware of what triggers your allergies or asthma attacks then it's important to find out what they are so you can limit or even avoid them. The tricky part is not everyone has the same triggers and many of yours may be unknown and not easily apparent to you. Preventing asthma and getting relief from asthma symptoms is possible if you can identify your asthma and allergy triggers.

Since your triggers and how they affect you can be rather complex, it can take a bit of effort to discover them. Perhaps one of your known triggers for example, dog dander, doesn't always cause the same reaction each time you are exposed to it and your reactions can vary from just a few sneezes to bad wheezing. When the dander causes a strong reaction it could be that it was also combined with other triggers, some of them may be new or unknown, like a new cleaning product, perfume or food. It could also be on a day when you were feeling more stress, tired or you are fighting a cold or virus. We'll show you ways of tracking down your elusive triggers which will help you with asthma relief and even help to reduce or even prevent your asthma symptoms.

For this reason it is beneficial to start keeping a journal for several days to a week or more to help you trace and reveal your triggers. Make a note of any things that happened, like an argument or stressful issue you had to deal with. Keeping track of how you felt when you woke up and throughout the day along with your energy levels is very helpful.

Often the weather can play a role, so noting if it was or cool and rainy or warm and humid is relevant. Was your environment moldy or musty smelling or was there flowers blooming nearby? Was there renovations going on in your building or smoke coming from one across the street? If you exercised that day how did you feel and what if any things seemed to bother you? Next making note of the foods you ate and drank throughout the day and include any food additive or dyes if possible. Did your favorite food cause any kind of reaction after you finished it? Foods or grooming products that we habitually use with no problems at all can suddenly become a major irritant. Even something as innocent as fabric softener or detergent can suddenly become a strong trigger for many asthmatics and allergy sufferers.

A pattern should emerge after a few days that will reveal many of your previously hidden asthma triggers. You will find that often it is possible to eliminate, reduce or avoid many of them altogether. Doing so this will help to prevent an asthma attack.

When you have triggers that are not possible to eliminate or control, particularly those that are in a public space or environment like work or school, etc. then you will need to consider a natural asthma treatment program.

Author's Bio: 

Susan Millar is a former asthma and allergy sufferer. She is a researcher and the author of The Dramatic Asthma Relief Report, based on extensive research from internationally respected medical publications about genuinely effective drug-free asthma relief, which helped her to eliminate her asthma and allergies. Please visit http://www.dramatic-asthma-relief.com for more information.