In response to the destructive acceleration of social life, people began to cultivate a slow life.


Lately, I often laugh at myself. I make such ridiculous mistakes that it’s time to laugh at them. I remember how my older brother once said to me: “What are you laughing at? You grow up like a fool! " I don't know, maybe I was a fool and grew up, but nevertheless, those rudiments of intelligence that I have at my disposal still tell me that mistakes, and even ridiculous mistakes, are made by everyone, no matter how smart he is. This is because life is an attempt to solve an equation with many unknowns. And the more you learn, the more new unknowns emerge.

Therefore, we cannot be mistaken. We can only change our attitude towards the events that we define as "mistakes". This will allow us, like a spruce branch, to bend under the weight of life's circumstances, to bend, but not to break. It is the attitude towards ourselves and the world that ultimately determines the level of our stress resistance.

And the best way to change this attitude, taking a step towards mental stability and calmness, is to stop fussing, stop jumping and jittery, stop pretending to be a sprinter who thinks that he can run somewhere if he tries really hard. There is nowhere to run, for, as the American professor of medicine Kabat-Zinn John said:

Wherever you go, you are always there.


The anti-trend "Slow Life" is gaining popularity all over the world, the supporters of which rightly believe that the insane race in production and consumption exists thanks to the mindset of the layman, always dissatisfied, capricious, in a hurry and shaking with fear.

Supporters of a slow life cultivate a conscious attitude to every action: do not rush to perform any action without first answering the question "is it worth it?" And, as a rule, it turns out that it is not worth it. This is exactly the case when it is better to stand still than to run somewhere headlong.

"Slow Life" offers to slow down your life by turning your attention to the moment, learning to break away from anxious and dissolute planning: walk just like that, communicate with your family, just talk to each other. When engaging in dialogue, listen, but do not rush to speak. As you create your creation, enjoy and take your time to finish. While dining, eat, but do not rush to fill your stomach. While reading, do not rush to clutter your brain with an indigestible amount of information.

Slow life is the ability to interact with the moment, getting rid of the hustle and bustle and rush. In my opinion, a great way to protect yourself in an age of information overload and the frantic pace of city life. Let's stop and try to answer the questions "Who are we" and "Where are we going?"


The philosophy of "Slow Life" came to my liking, because in it I saw the implementation of the principles of psychoregulation inherent in the "Hunter" method. Although, it is not only about the ability to control the state of your psyche through the cultivation of a slow life. It's also about energy supply: if you want to feel good, don't become a workhorse. Think more often that each horse has its own owner.

So, to implement the principles of measured and conscious life, we need the skill of managing our time. After all, this is not only about not rushing anywhere. At the same time, it is important for us to keep up with everything. And for this you need to get rid of everything superfluous in your life, and really need to put in order.

Create a specific daily routine and even more: form a certain weekly rhythm. Moreover, organize it so that you always have a spare time. The reserve of time is the reserve of energy. Only if we have some reserves can we develop somewhere.

The presence of reserves will allow you to really do what you are doing with high quality, without fear of being late somewhere. This is exactly the case when it is better to do something less, but to do it better. Try it and make sure that by organizing your life according to the principle of a rational rhythm, you manage to do much more, and the quality of your life will increase significantly.


The philosophy of slow life has a very strong methodological approach to understanding a person himself.

In life, a person is driven by dissatisfaction. And a person seeks happiness in order to get rid of this dissatisfaction. But studying the very phenomenon of happiness, sooner or later, he comes to the conclusion that happiness is not achieved by a successful finish (if only because the finish does not exist), but lies in the ability to enjoy the run itself. But can you enjoy it? You can, if you know how to manage your attitude to reality.

Reality is like a faceted stone: no matter how you turn it, some facets will still be hidden. By turning this "stone" in our hands, we can focus on certain aspects of being, and through this, influence the nature of our emotional assessment.

Thus, a person is able to get rid of dissatisfaction. But not by trying to satisfy another whim, in a hurry pushing aside other thirsty, but by understanding that WE ALREADY HAVE EVERYTHING WE NEED FOR HAPPINESS: energy, will and freedom.

When we shed the skin of a mad sheep and banish the shameful haste from our lives, we find peace through wholeness. By gaining wholeness, we find ourselves. And this is done by rejecting those primitive goals that political strategists and marketers hang in front of us.

Having abandoned the pursuit of a carrot hanging in front of his nose, a person ceases to be a puppet in the clutches of the outside world. He gains spiritual freedom.

However, one should not think that this is akin to a certain "enlightenment" that fell on a person's head once and for all. No. Awareness is the light of that light bulb (volitional center) that tends to burn with varying degrees of brightness, and periods of awareness are inevitably replaced by periods of darkness. But you should not worry about this, because these are the laws of nature, the laws of the universe. And they are beyond our moral assessments.

Author's Bio: 

My name is Rudiyr. I was born and live in Russia. I am engaged in giving advice to people on mental health, self-improvement and harmonious development. I am also the author of the course "Philosophy of Practical Natural Science". In it, I consider issues of health, positive energy balance of a person, energy sources for a person (sleep, nutrition, physical activity, creativity) and other aspects that allow a person to live happily.