Recently, my sister’s mother-in-law, Irene, has been placed on hospice. For six years, Irene has been dealing with lung cancer and now it has spread to her brain. Her cancer began in her colon. Unfortunately, like many individuals, Irene had consumed a poor diet of low-quality food over the course of many years. It has become debatable if having a poor diet can attribute to one having cancer. For myself, I believe that it does and that’s ‘why’ I’m interested in learning more about diet, especially the enzymes found in sprouts.
Experts estimate there are up to 100 times more enzymes in sprouts than in uncooked fruits and vegetables. Enzymes are special types of proteins that act as catalysts for all of our body’s functions. Extracting more vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and essential fatty acids from the foods we eat ensures one’s body has the nutritional building blocks of life.
The discovery of sulforaphane as a potent antibiotic was reported in 2002 at John Hopkins. Broccoli sprouts have a much higher concentration of sulforaphane than mature heads. Sulforaphane appears to trigger cells in the body, including in the gastrointestinal tract, to produce enzymes that protect against oxygen radicals, DNA-damaging chemicals, and inflammation that benefit osteoarthritis and cancer.
Sprouts are alkalizing to one’s body. Many illnesses including cancer have been linked to excess acidity in the body. Growth of cancer cells are initiated by a lack of oxygen and these cells, along with viruses and bacteria, cannot live in an alkaline and oxygen rich environment. Broccoli sprouts are especially effective at preventing gastritis, ulcers, stomach cancer and even allergy and asthma.
The study implies the compound, called 13C, is involved in a complex chemical chain reaction allowing the tumor suppressor to do its job. The research also highlights the chemical warfare that goes on inside one’s body as it struggles to prevent tumors from developing even as tumors themselves fight to grow and spread.
The research began in the lab of Pier Paolo Pandolfi at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center’s Cancer Center and Cancer Research Institute and continued with a team at Harvard Medical School. This team explored the function of a cancer-suppressing gene called PTEN, which encodes a protein that controls cell growth. PTEN has been recognized as one of the most important tumor suppressors in the history of cancer genetics.
To be perfectly honest, it’s amazing that something as simple as this broccoli connection can have such a profound effect in helping to prevent certain cancers! I guess I will start adding broccoli sprouts in my daily salad; but, it’s not that simple.
The doses effective in the research done with laboratory mice would be impossible for a human to consume. A human would have to consume more than six pounds of broccoli daily. Now, from a practical standpoint, the most likely approach would be to develop a pill targeting the molecule based on 13C’s structure. Only time will tell when this pill comes into market.
When it comes to the nutrition of plants, Claude Davis’ book of herbal remedies, an inheritance from his grandfather, offers an inexpensive way in dealing with one’s health.

Author's Bio: 

Kelley is the author of the book,
My Curly Hair Self: Living with a Visual Processing Disorder
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