Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for Life Tapestry

5/3/11 "Creation Energies" radio show overview: Let the sunshine in! Allow yourself at least a few minutes outdoors this week so the sun can radiate inner-power energy to you. This week's free show and archives are available at

Dear Ones,
Let us return to an issue about which you might have a concern. You fear that you are not moving fast enough - that others are able to tap into these new energies and you are not.

You are all unique individuals with unique time frames for opening up to the new energies. We have discussed this issue before - this is not new information. The piece we wish to highlight today is that all of you agreed to play a specific role in this New Age transition.

We discussed that you were trailblazers, pioneers, scout masters - all words that indicate you will be in the forefront of this transition. And so you are. But this transition is not about fireworks and instant gratification.

You are in the midst of a process and within that process you have a specific role - a role you selected before birth. Perhaps an apt analogy would be baking a cake. A cake requires a number of ingredients including eggs, oil, and flour. By themselves, those ingredients do not produce the cake. It is only when those ingredients are combined with heat do they create the structure you label a cake. If any of the ingredients are missing, the cake will look or taste differently than anticipated by the creators of the recipe. So it is for you.

Even though you may be a trailblazer, your role may not be activated until you are combined with other ingredients or individuals. Those ingredients might be a social alteration, interactions with a certain someone, an unexpected climate change or millions of other activities or connections.

All of you reading these materials are chomping at the bit to get started. You know a cake is to be created - you just are not yet certain what ingredient you are in that cake. And by the way, a cake is an apt description for indeed the New Age is about joy and celebration. But let us return to your role.

Those of you reading these materials are NOT slow learners or slow starters. You merely are waiting for your onstage cue. Of course, some of you have created some aspects of your new world through the various exercises we provided. But we must tell you that those creations are merely an introduction to the new world.

Now some of you are upset feeling that you have chanted and visualized as we instructed only to find that those activities were practice sessions and not the creation of your new world. Of course you have to practice. You were not a musical genius the first time you picked up your oboe and attempted to create music. Ah - now you understand.
We have given you the oboe, but you must practice with it before you can perform before or with others. So it is with your new earth, new energies. You have the tools necessary to perform in a large musical group, but not all the skills to do so.

This time is about practice and testing which skills or activities interest you. Perhaps some of you are intrigued by the thought of helping others return to the spirit world, others by experience/time travel, others by the creation of objects and still others, by sharing what you are learning through messages or healing. It does not matter - for all of you have the skills to play your instrument in a loving and harmonious fashion.

But as is true for baking a cake, some of you will be activated before others. Not because you are fast learners or have different skill levels - like the bluebird and redbird groups of your early school days - but because you are creating a new world.

This new world is not being created in a haphazard fashion. There is a central blueprint that all of you participated in creating before birth. Now that you are activating the blueprint, you all want to be first - a bit like putting a cake pan in the oven with no ingredients and expecting to create a cake.

Your role now is to practice your new skills. Review the lessons we have provided if you wish. Or merely tune into your being to sense what activities and processes you need to practice now. For one day you will wake up and know without a doubt that it is now time to fully activate your particular skill.

Will that be in a few days, months or years? Only you know. For you selected your role prior to this lifetime. You agreed to use your skills in a specific fashion - and you will not deviate from that plan no matter how badly you now wish to.

Those of you reading Brenda's materials will be activating your particular piece sooner than others - but not as soon as you would like.

What will happen to those of you who do not practice? Will you remain part of the orchestra? Of course, for your talents are innate. But you will "fly higher" and have much more fun if you practice. Just as is true for anyone who has ever been part of an orchestra. It is one thing to merely play the notes on the page - and quit another to be able to see the notes with possible variations that would make the musical piece even more lovely. And so it will be for those of you who opt to practice versus those who merely wish to play an instrument.

Those of you reading these materials wonder when you will be fully activated. Much sooner than you realize, but not today. So allow yourself time outdoors this week as described in Brenda's radio show; attempt to create something you want; allow yourself to not feel responsible for the feelings of others and allow yourself to move through the veils of time and space.

Some of you will be able to practice all of these lessons. While others will have difficulties with some. That does not mean you will not be in the orchestra, merely that you have yet to select the correct instrument for you. So be it. Amen.

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Author's Bio: 

Brenda Hoffman is an internationally noted author, prophet and channeler. Her most quoted book is the classic, channeled, "A Glimpse of Your Future." Prior to her recent retirement to South Carolina, USA, Brenda held positions in corporate marketing, business management and social services. She has a Master of Science degree in sociology.

Since retirement, Brenda has returned to sharing her prophetic insights with others via her free, weekly, channeled blog and free, weekly, channeled radio show "Creation Energies." Both her blog and radio show are available at "A Glimpse of Your Future" can be purchased at, Barnes & and Life Tapestry