Our environments are all that matters. The people in it have a direct impact on the quality of our lives. Ways to ensure a life free from abuse and torment, is to clean out your environment. No matter how small or insignificant the interactions may be, we must always be aware that everything will either contribute positively or negativity into our lives. The people you live with or play with or work with will either help you or bring you down. We all want to live free of any abuse or fear and avoid negative things from entering our lives, so the best way to make that a reality is to be aware of who you share space with. Once we are aware of the huge impact people and things in our space play in the success and happiness of our lives we will most certainly be more picky. Control your life and future, and do not fall victim to another persons downward spiral or negative space bubbles. Once our space bubbles touch the ripple effect starts and we are affected by them.

To illustrate this point I will share my life lesson from last night. I had a strange universal message happened last night, where I'm reminded of how having a positive environment is of the utmost importance in life. One particular roommate of mine is questionable and a drag on society. He is a negative blob in my environment that I try to ignore at all costs. Last night my boyfriend's car and my car were keyed from this disgruntled roommate. We were wanting to get rid of this person for some time now, and this was a sign that we can not be around people who are abusive, negative, and useless. I'm reminded of why it makes such a difference to have the people around you on a good vibration who bring happiness and enable positive actions. This is also another big reminder that even if you think you may have it all under control, where you are not being influenced by negative people, if you are around them in any way(even if you ignore them) they will have an effect on you.

Lesson 2 million five hundred thousand and twenty: Your environment on the outside as well as the inside needs to be free from all negative people/emotions in order to really have control of your life. I will not have full control over what happens in my life until I eliminate people who are bringing me down, even if it is just being the average of the 5 people that share my living space.

Author's Bio: 

My name is Heather and I am an author and survivor of an abusive relationship. I have learned many life lessons that help me help others avoid, escape, and heal from abusive relationships. I have a website devoted to helping people do this, http://www.ismyrelationshipabsuive.com