Aren’t Nebulizers for Asthma Therapy?
Asthmatics may perhaps be among the group of people to whom nebulizers are most familiar with. Either in a health facility or even at home, we may have come across an asthma patient breathing in medicated mist through a face mask or nasal prongs connected to a nebulizer. However, nebulizers are also used among patients with other obstructive pulmonary diseases like emphysema and bronchitis. Recently, nebulized therapy has also been used for the treatment of sinus infections and rhinitis.

Why Choose Nebulized Therapy Over Oral Medications and Nasal Sprays?
Oral medications include decongestants, antibiotics, analgesics and anti-inflammatory drugs. On the other hand, corticosteroids and decongestants are the sinusitis medications available in intranasal spray preparations. These preparations have been the staples of sinusitis therapy for a long time. Through many years of research and practice, they have been found to be generally safe and convenient (when used as directed by a doctor) compared to other routes of administration such as injecting through a vein, muscle or skin. Nebulizer therapy, which is a form topical therapy, is relatively new. However, so far, with topical therapy, the intended effect of the drug is found to be achieved much faster because the medication is applied directly where its effect is desired. It is also arguably safer because there are no systemic effects. Unlike oral medications, the active ingredients of topical drugs are not disseminated to the entire body via the bloodstream, but only on the particular organ for which the drug is intended to act upon. Generally, oral meds, nasal sprays and nebulized sinus treatments are all good options for sinusitis therapy- ultimately, it depends on the patient’s preference. But in cases where oral intake and nasal sprays are contraindicated, such as in patients with difficulty in swallowing; impaired renal and/or hepatic functions; or other medical conditions such as hypertension and diabetes, it is good to know that an excellent alternative is available through nebulized sinus treatment.

How Do You Spot a Good Nebulizer?
The mechanism by which any nebulizer works is the same: it converts a liquid medicated solution into mist or aerosol which, in turn, is inhaled directly by the patient. However, despite this fundamental similarity, not all nebulizers are created equal. Various brands/models have unique features that give them advantages over competitors. One particular nebulizer, SinusAero, by Sinus Dynamics, is equipped with a very powerful aerosolizing mechanism enabling it to convert liquid to vapour very efficiently, leaving no residual liquid. It also operates without using propellants or generating heat to ensure the drug’s molecular integrity. Sinus Dynamics, the company behind SinusAero, makes a complete nebulized sinus treatment regimen possible because they specialize in customizing medications fit for the needs of individual clients. Sinus Dynamics has a complete line of liquid medications including antibiotics, anti-fungal, decongestants and nasal corticosteroids that can be used with SinusAero.

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